oneDNN Wrapper
Authors: Francesco BROZZU, Paolo VOLPE
DISCLAIMER: this project is not affiliated or supported byIntel(R), all source code is provided as is without any guarantee
oneDNN wrapper is a project written in C++ which "wraps" oneDNN primitive into simpler and more usable classes, in order to implement Deep Neural Networks in a way that is more similar to TensorFlow or Pytorch.
The following tutorial will show the basic building blocks to build a fully connected network. A full working example based on the skin segmentation dataset ( is available in onednn_training_skin.cpp .
First we need to allocate all the required memory spaces for our model. In the example we consider a simple fully connected network with two layers, one with 5 hidden neurons and one with a single output neuron. To train any network we need to prepare three different pipelines:
To create a primitives pipeline we use the procedure described in the example onednn_training_skin.cpp, and in the oneDNN documentation. It is sufficient to allocate a vector of dnnl::primitive and a memory map
std::vector<dnnl::primitive> net_fwd std::vector<std::unordered_map<int, memory>> net_fwd_args
The dnnl:: suffix can be omitted when we are in the dnnl namespace.
To create a primitive you instantiate a class. For every class the procedure is quite similar, you simply have to include different arguments depending on the primitive you are using. In this example we will explain how to create a primitive for a dense layer; all the information regarding the other primitives is available in the specific pages.
In a fully connected layer we will have to allocate:
This is done automatically by the wrapper and it is sufficient to create a class of type Dense with the proper arguments.
Dense fc1(fc1_output_size, input_memory, net_fwd, net_fwd_args, eng);
Let's unpack this line a bit:
In a similar fashion to the Forward Pass we create the backward pass for the Dense layer:
Dense_back_data fc1_back_data(relu1_back_data.arg_diff_src, fc1, net_bwd_data, net_bwd_data_args, eng);
Here we have:
Last but not least we have our backward weights pass. Here we will use all the gradients computed in the backward data pipeline to compute the gradients with respect to the weights. Again, considering the Dense layer we instantiate the backward weights pass as follows:
Dense_back_weights fc1_back_weights(relu1_back_data.arg_diff_src, fc1, net_bwd_weights, net_bwd_weights_args, eng);
Data is loaded inside the oneAPI memory using the DataLoader class. It reads the file in flattended txt format, which means that the vectors are written in row-major order in a text file. An example on how to generate these files starting from a csv is available in dataset_utils.
To instantiate a data loader the syntax is the following DataLoader skin_data(dataset_path, labels_path, batch, dataset_shape, eng);
Once the data loader class is instantiated we can simply use
skin_data.write_to_memory(input_memory, labels_memory)
to load a batch of features and label inside the dnnl::memory objects: input_memory and labels_memory. The useful thing about this method is that it can be called as many times as we need, everytime we need a new mini-batch.
To have inference we can instantiate an extra dataloader with a validation set. To have batch size as large as the sample size we can put -1.
DataLoader skin_data(dataset_path, labels_path, -1, dataset_shape, eng)